How Examinations Like TEAS Tests Are Beneficial For Students Nowadays

The term examination is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary, (2019) as the process of assessing an individual’s skills and knowledge through written or oral questions as well as practical tasks. Examinations in higher education are significant to assess the capacity of learning for a student. Recently, there have been many emphases on abolishing examination, especially in higher learning institutions. Most students have tension over examinations: it changes them from happy beings to nervous and frustrated. However, examinations have been a major part of schooling that students have to undergo in their course of study. The purpose of the examination is to measure a student’s know-how on a given topic.

Graded Examination Systems Ensure Competitiveness
Tests are of different forms where some are designed to test the memory and understanding of the examinee about a specific topic. Higher learning examinations like the ati teas are graded and interpreted according to the criterion, which is established mostly through statistical analysis. Some students have to read overnight if the examination is on the next day. The major argument behind exams abolishment is the negative psychological impact they have on students. Most students find examinations threatening and causing anxiety. Students accumulate negative thoughts and depreciating self-statements common during assessment which affects their performance. Such anxiety affects the student physically in terms of tensed muscles and trembling as well as behavior wise which affects their study skills.

Exam Preparations Can Be Stressful And Enjoyable At The Same Time
An experiment on the impacts of examination stress shows that students’ anticipation for the examination harms their sleep and eating habits. Test related anxiety would lead to severe impacts on test outcome. On the contrary, some form of stress in life has contributed to a positive impact on results, which would also apply to student’s examination. Stress can be part of a student’s motivation during the exam period. It becomes easier for students to retain examinations knowledge when they are faced with acute stress. In most cases, students approach examination unprepared, which leads to their anxiety, while those who are ready for the test remain calm and anxious free. Other scholars have thought that if ati teas examinations are so stressful, the students’ needs to be engaged in more coursework which is deemed to be less stressful. Although, it is important to consider that even coursework is associated with stress just like tests.

Another criticism of examinations in higher education is the misuse, unlike other assessment tasks within the course work. Exams allow students to retrieve knowledge from memory and apply it on the spot, as in most real-life professions. But, the way exams are delivered in higher learning is questionable. Examinations in higher studies are vital in assessing the role of studying for a student. Lately, there have done various accents on finishing tests, particularly in higher learning organizations. Most exam questions only test what the student can recall, but not a deeper understanding of the subject. It occurs when teachers prepare tests hurriedly or borrow exam questions from previous years or test banks.

Why It Is Important To Learn The Concept Of CompTIA Security+ Certification

With the CompTIA Security+ certification, you can take your knowledge of network security to the next level and perform any number of security functions. The CompTIA Security+ certifications are offered by a professional organization that is comprised of a diverse group of IT experts who evaluate security related issues. In this manner, there is an educational requirement for those who wish to seek CompTIA Security+ certification, as they need to pass a challenging test in order to pass the certification exam.

CompTIA Security+ refers to two different types of exams, which range from easy to extremely difficult to pass. As with all IT certifications, the CompTIA Security+ exams are designed to test a variety of skills and knowledge to help make the passing of the exam as possible. With the rising threats to computer security, the passing of the CompTIA Security+ exam is even more important. This can help guarantee the security of any network, even for organizations that do not possess an extensive amount of money or personnel dedicated to IT security.

CompTIA Security+ offers three different levels of passing, each of which is more difficult than the previous one. While passing the CompTIA Security+ exam, you will need to be able to work in both areas of networks, and networks outside of them. Therefore, this makes the CompTIA Security+ exam the most demanding in the field of IT certifications.

The first type of CompTIA Security+ exam is the Network Internship Security Plus exam. This is based upon a project which has to be successfully completed in the practice lab environment, and the student must then successfully complete the labs. Once the student has successfully completed the labs, they must then submit an essay and a final exam, which are based upon the same topic as the practice labs, but with more advanced exams.

The second type of CompTIA Security+ exam is theNetwork Security Plus exam. This exam requires the student to complete the labs, with an emphasis on the lab which focuses on the real world situations in which a network is needed to be protected. With this kind of exam, the student needs to understand how to perform a variety of functions in both private and public networks. They also need to be familiar with a variety of technologies, including the ability to utilize firewalls and network monitoring software, as well as the knowledge of how to protect the system against attacks through various methods, including intrusion detection and response, firewalls, and the use of software viruses to secure the network.

The third type of CompTIA Security+ exam is the Network Security Plus exam. This exam focuses on a range of skills, which include working with security software that helps to maintain a complete picture of the system, as well as understanding how to implement security processes into the operation of a network. Students need to be able to demonstrate their understanding of firewalls, as well as provide insight into the various forms of attacks on computer networks, and how to block them.

Achieving success in the CompTIA Security+ exams requires an individual to understand both theory and practice. The exams are highly technical and require a student to understand both the theory behind the security, as well as the practical applications of the same. These exams also demand the students to do a great deal of reading in order to grasp the concepts.

CompTIA Security+ is just one of the many IT certifications available in the market today. This certification provides students with a significant amount of knowledge in computer security and also allows students to become better equipped to work in both the public and private sectors. For these reasons, it is important for students to understand how important the CompTIA Security+ certification are, before attempting to pass the exams.

Cloud Based Education

Is a “Cloud based” educational system a real possibility, or the mere dream of a utopian future? In hid TED talk, educator and activist, Suguta Mitra asserts his optimistic vision of access to learning for all. His enthusiasm for a global cloud based education is not without experiential foundation. Mitra relates how his experiments of placing computer terminals in remote locations with the particular intention of engaging children with the machines, lead to some astonishing discoveries and insights about the nature of learning.

Mitra started by placing a computer terminal in a slum neighborhood in Delhi. He wanted to see how the local children, most living in poverty with no exposure to technology, would respond to an essentially alien device. The children he found in the city were fast adaptors, mastering the computer in a few months. Some attributed this to the urban atmosphere in Delhi were the kids were probably instructed by a local technologist. Mitra was not convinced. Determined to prove his findings, he next placed a computer 100 miles outside Delhi in the remote village where most of the population did not even speak English. Again he did not instruct the children, shrugging off questions with responses like “well, it is.” Months passed and when he came back he found the children playing games. They were irritated with him “you left this machine here with instructions in English so we had to learn English,’ they said. They also requested a faster processor and a better mouse.

In the final level of this experiment, Mitra decided to leave a computer loaded with esoteric explanations of DNA all in a non-English speaking Tamil town. “It has lots of important information on it,” he told the curious local children. He had no expectation they would be able to decipher any of the scientific content. Months later he again returned and it seemed his anticipated result of no progress was indeed the case. “We study it every day,” the children said, “We know nothing.” Mitra was ready to accept this failure and then, a small girl piped up in broken English “Yes, except for the fact a broken DNA strand leads to disease, we have learned nothing.”

In continuing cases Mitra found the same results. He also discovered the children learned more with some interaction with an adult. These adults, however, did not take on a formal teaching role, but instead acted in what he describes as the “granny approach;” standing behind the children and asking questions like ‘OH, what is that?” “What do you think it means?” He even employed a whole retinue of English grandmothers to interact with village children via the internet.

The implications Mitra’s experiments have for the use of the Cloud as a provider of knowledge, and the educational process itself are remarkable. In the past citizens were educated in many basic clerical skills, reading, writing etc., which in many ways have been replaced by machines. The population of the future will be more focused in understanding and interpreting information, rather than more rudimentary tasks. With the simple access to information an abundance of true thinkers can be developed.