Literature review and proposal as PL/SQL Developer

Literature review
It is vital to choose the right programming language that helps the programmer carry out transaction processing and the one that supports procedural constructs, and robust error handling (Wichmann, 1995). That programming language also needs to incorporated variable declarations and general high performance. The PL/SQL programming language has database basis, and it is also an application development language that supplements the SQL programming language with standard programming feature. It is the superset of SQL programming language. The features that this programming language adds to SQL include block structure, flow control statements and loops, customized error handling, structured data and variables and constant types (Feuerstein & Pribyl, 2014). It makes it possible for the one programming to store the compiled code into the database directly. With that possibility, the any number of users and applications can share the same functions and procedures. As a matter of fact, once the loading of the code takes place onto the memory, multiple users can use the same code simultaneously.

The users can also define triggers to enable the database execute them automatically in response to the specified events (Sharma et al., 2011). Pl/SQL is an exclusive product from Oracle Corporation and not an industry standard. The language helps in bringing efficiency to programming because if the user compiles it prior to runtime, there is high efficiency ensured in that code or program. It groups its statements into some units that we can refer to as block just like any other programming languages groups the statements into some units (Gupta, 2012). Those blocks can be anonymous or named as subprograms of procedures. There is the usage of a function in an expression, and it returns a valued top the expression before the invoking of a standalone statement. It then passes the value to the calling program using parameters only. It is also possible to nest those subprograms into one another and then into larger units known as packages. The daily responsibilities of a PL/SQL programming entail writing programs, queries, and functions so as to manipulate the structure and data of a database.

There is also a responsibility of querying databases and then generating reports that is vital to the decision-making process of an organizations or any business (Parker & Ottawa, 2006). PL/SQL ensures that those tasks take place in the required manner so as to deliver a high-quality code that lead to the delivery of high-quality reports or queries. Pl/SQL development takes place on the Oracle database, and the developers may also work with MySQL and the Microsoft SQL Servers, or any other database system (Hellstrom, 2015). It requires the SQL developer to have a thorough knowledge of SQL programming analytics ability and a strong logic. The software development arena requires that the developers report to the managers and the software development team leads. Because of that, it is a requirement that a PL/SQL developer handles the successful delivery of the development projects for software as well as support the production development. Those are the responsibilities that I will ensure that they take place while working in the i5 Tech Company as highlighted in my introduction and methodology.

The PL/SQL developer requires having active participation in software design and solutions while ensuring that he/she develops the company systems forward to deliver a high quality managed solution. PL/SQL language offers to the developer elements that are imperative to the software or application development task (Gupta, 2012). One of the elements includes organized code management packages that serve the purpose of making the locating of the code easy as well as its understanding and reuse. There is also the easy of top-down application design. That is because a separation between the public interface and the implementation if a crucial feature required for any package. That ensures that the programmer can code and compile a package with the absence of the body. When there is such vital separation of the public interface and the body, there is the possibility of developing an application in a modular fashion and not face bottlenecks. The bottlenecks arise due to incomplete implementation details in the code or application.

Both the bottom-up and the top-down development approaches are strategies that are useful for the processing of information and knowledge ordering (Dell Corporation, 2006). These tasks are vital in many areas such as software, scientific theories, humanistic, management, and organization. The top-down approach to PL/SQL development also known as decomposition, it is vital in breaking a system down to gain more understanding of the same regarding its compositional structure. In this approach, there is formulating of a system, making specifications although there is no detailing of any first-level subsystems. There is then the refining of the system into greater detail, and sometimes this may take place in many additional levels until the developers reduce the system into its base elements (Wile, 2002). It mean than the PL/SQL language helps in the reduction of the complexity of the task of development as in the case of bottom-up approach. The latter approach is where there is the piercing together of systems to form a more complex system meant for making g the original system be a subsystem of the emergent one.

The other powerful element of the PL/SQL is what the programmers call painless implementation changes because the language helps to eliminate the havoc or making changes to the subprograms. In many of the programming languages, making changes to a subprogram creates havoc with the other programs that might be referring it. With PL/SQL, there are no changes required in the dependent objects if only the there is the changing of the code in the package body (, n.d). It is also possible to ensure security and maintainability in the code when using this application language. It makes it possible to specify which of the items, types and subprograms that is private or public. Also, the ability to have in a package some private portions makes it impossible to access them publically. That is essential as it helps in protecting the integrity of that package as well as simplifying the maintenance.

PL/SQL also incorporates session-wide persistence of the public variables. That means the package public cursors, as well as the variables only, persist as long as the session is not over. They let the programmer to maintain the data across many transactions without the need for storing it in the database. They help in the storage of the values that have session-wide relevance like the debug/trace options. Better performance in PL/SQL language is possible through the loading of the package into the memory after the invocation of the packaged subprogram for the first time (Urman et al., 2004). There no disk I/O operations required for later calls to the subprograms that are in the package. All this translates to better performance than the SQL itself and other application programming languages.

In the i5 Tech Company where I will be carrying out my research as an intern, I will have involvement in many tasks as highlighted in my introduction and methodology. Those tasks will relate to the PL/SQL development as I will be working as a PL/SQL developer in this company. I will have involvement in vital projects development with this language in question and in all those tasks I will be interacting with various teams of experts so as to understand what is in the requirement of me. Other tasks I will be in the requirement to carry them out alone while others I will be working with other teams or groups of professional for the purpose of quality and accountability. All those tasks have a division into five iterations including orientation, training, gathering and understanding the user requirements, coding, and testing and implementation. Those iterations have an explanation in the following paragraphs.

The orientation session is where I will have the explanation of how the organization works, its structure, models of operation, management, working procedures and guidelines among others. I will have to know the limits of my duties and conduct so as not to have trouble in failing to adhere to the company rules and regulations regarding conduct and internship responsibilities. There will also be the issuance of the intern card that I will be using to identify myself as a legally taking my internship in the company.

In the training phase where will be the task of helping me to know the areas that I will be handling during my internship in the company wherein, I will be taking my internship. There will be through training on the PL/ASQL coding principles and the rules that I ought to follow to ensure that I am in line with the international standards of coding in this language. There will be an assessment at the end of the training to test my understanding of the basics in taught during the training session as this will determine the project that company will assign to me.

Gathering and understanding user requirement
During the session of gathering and understanding the user requirements, I will have involvement in meeting and interacting with various end users of the application to have development. That will be helpful to me as I will understand the requirements clearly so as to code in light of those requirements. The development team will have to verify the data after analysis before giving me a go-ahead with the development. The company will assign to me one of the PL/SQL developers and one of the project development team members to help with the consultation services.

In the coding phase, I will begin the process of developing the required application that is the actual project development. It is the phase where I will have much work. It will require me to have regular contact with my supervisors so that I will carry it out in the required way and deliver unit within the specified time and quality.

Testing and implementation
In the testing and implementation phase, there will be the testing of the developed application for errors. The task will have performance in collaboration with the project development team and after the testing there will be the implementation of the developed application. It will be the last iteration in the company.

BI solution of an Executive Dashboard

Sales Trends for 2015 of BMW Company

The above graph clarifies sales trends during the next following months for the year 2015. The month of March, April, may and June offers of BMW Company were observed to be very low sales they all were between $102,360 – $143,000 Noteworthy increment seen in the month of July and sales were $244,240 and at all sudden it dropped to $199,740 in a month of August. From the September and October, it had the dramatic increase in comparison to March to August. Through the assessment of the sales trend, the company will be able to make an assessment of their current sales against their desired sales. The dashboard makes it possible for the policy makers in the organization to see the trend and consequently make an assessment of their current situations (Web-based dashboard, 2009). The ability to meet their sales targets as well as the inability is evident from the dashboard. Additionally, in the event they were not able to meet their sales target, it will be possible to make an assessment of the factors that inhibited the attained as well as the possible interventions needed. In the case of BMW, the management can notice that there are some months that are recording low sales and thus the need to consider the measures that could promote their sales. These could range from adopting social media marketing strategies to the motivation of the sales team, giving them the incentive to augment their commissions via better sales. The overall objective of the business, in this case, is developing a competitive advantage that will assist them to have a superior competitive edge over the competitors and thus generate better sales (Pratt, 2014).

Revenue of Sales Person and Their Commission
Karthik was found to be active and significant in comparison to other sales person in marketing and making the business. His overall sales for the year 2015 from June to October were $278,360. And Akhil and Sachin found to be same revenue range of $160,800-165,000 but the sum of a commission of Sachin’s is 4.41% comparatively low to Akhil’s sum of commission. The graph additionally indicates that Brijesh has the lowest sum of revenue as well as a sum of commission comparative to all others in above dashboard. The assessment of the sales that employees’ are making for the business makes it possible for the business to be aware of the individuals making the greatest contribution to the business. Additionally BMW can assess whether there are skills that are necessary to improve the productivity of their sales people. Through the assessment, it is possible to ascertain the sales doing the best job via looking at their compensation and finding ways of addressing those with lower compensations (Podgórski, 2015).

Revenue by Sales Person per Month

The revenue of sales per month of Ramesh is $135,000 from June to October, where it is comparatively very high to other sales. The sales of Chandu, Akhil, Sachin, Suresh, Vamshi, and Brijesh are below then $76,000. The application of the sales cycle KPI for the sales people is instrumental to the BMW as they can examine the duration it takes one individual to generate revenue from the sales. The assessment of the sales person average cycle will assist BMW make an accurate evaluation of their employees in the sales in assessing their performance. Thus, the KPI will assist BMW to retain as well as recruit the sales people who are productive to the company. Additionally the company can make sale projection by relying on their monthly sales (Hildreth, 2012). Their expansion and marketing strategies heavily rely on the sales they make as they offer the necessary incentive in directing the organizational performance as well as the available resources for their investments. Additionally assessing the monthly revenue that the business is making will assist in making right evaluations of business growth trend and the factors that may hinder the growth.

Revenue by States
The above chart illustrates the revenue of the states that BMW made from the sale of different car models in the diverse above chart illustrates the revenue of the states that BMW made from the sale of different car models in the diverse states. The California has revenue of $258,860 this was the highest revenue generated comparatively to other states. We can also see that Atlanta has very low revenue i.e. $54,000. There are various KPIs that the business applies in promoting its revenue in these states. In this case, the objective of the company is enhancing their revenues collection in each state and one of the KPIs that can assist in assessing the revenue collected the examination of the customer retention rate. The higher the number of customer retention the better the revenue collection (Data Visualization, 2010). Thus, the assessment of the sales made in the different states will give the business a platform to assess their performance and consequently design the strategies that will improve their performance in the respective states. The ability that the company has in assessing their perform states.

The California has revenue of $258,860 this was the highest revenue generated comparatively to other states. We can also see that Atlanta has very low revenue i.e. $54,000. There are various KPIs that the business applies in promoting its revenue in these states. In this case, the objective of the company is enhancing their revenues collection in each state and one of the KPIs that can assist in assessing the revenue collected the examination of the customer retention rate. The higher the number of customer retention the better the revenue collection. Thus, the assessment of the sales made in the different states will give the business a platform to assess their performance and consequently design the strategies that will improve their performance in the respective states (Hein, 2009). The ability that the company has in assessing their performance in the different states will make it possible to outline the specific issues driving the various customers’ states in these states depending on the sales. Through the description of the sales targets for these states, it will be possible to strategies on the most effective marketing strategies that will promote the sales in these states.

Sales by Invoice Amount
This above chart illustrates the following sales by invoice amounts. By this chart, we can assume that the sales from invoice amount of 31560-41559 are the second highest sale from Invoice amount of 71560-81559 as the highest number of sales. Through assessment of the invoice amount, the business can assess the sales they have made and at the same time make the work of the auditors easy as the records of sales are available. Additionally through the assessment of the sales invoice, BMW can attract the effectives of the employees by tracking their sales via invoices as well as the amount generated (Hildreth, 2012).

Revenue by Product
The above graph illustrates the sales of products of the company BMW. It seems to BMW Z 650i has the highest sales comparative to the other products. We can also see that BMW i8 had very low sales from all other products. The application of this KPI offers the business with the advantage of examining the sales they are making depending on their car models. Through this examination, it is possible to assess the models that the customers prefer and thus increasing their availability in the market to boost the sales. Ability to see the models that have low sales makes it possible for BMW to conduct research on the reasons the models are unpopular among the customers and thus make modifications or pull them out of the market (Hein, 2009). BMW will be able to assess the circumstances around each model in the context of the reasons that are promoting the sales of a particular model such as an effective marketing campaign. On the other hand, the low sales for the other model could be because the competition is offering an identical model at a lower price. Thus through the application of this KPI, the BMW will be able to assess the issues that are revolving around the performance of a certain model and how to improve each model to attain the desired sales.

How to Carry Out a Management Review in AS9100?

High-level management plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of your aerospace QMS when implementing it utilizing AS9100 Rev D. Senior management must stay abreast of QMS process developments since they are the ones that understand your company’s strategic direction and wish to allocate resources to help you advance in that direction. A crucial step in achieving this in any firm, including aerospace, is the management review process.

How Does the Management Review Process Work in AS9100?

Clause 9.3 of AS9100 addresses the need for management review in the aerospace QMS. According to the management review process, the organization’s top management must regularly assess the QMS’s crucial outputs to make sure the resources are being used effectively and to identify any necessary modifications.

Internal Audit: Have audit results suggested that something needs to be changed? Do audits get completed on time? Have there been any recognized key issues or areas for improvement?
Possibilities for Improvement: Have any outside of the audit process been recognized as areas that could use planning?
Corrective Action: Have any process nonconformities been addressed by the corrective actions? Were any measures implemented successfully, and were the remedial actions completed on time?
Conformity of Goods, Services, and Processes: Which nonconformities in the product or service were discovered that might point to ongoing or consistent issues? Should goods or services undergo any changes? Do the QMS procedures function properly?
Customer Satisfaction: How successfully do we think we’re addressing our clients’ needs? An evaluation of our performance in terms of on-time delivery must also be part of this.
Sufficient Resources: Do the QMS’s processes have all the tools they require to perform as intended?
Clause 9.3.2 of AS9100 contains the minimal list of things that must be reviewed; however, the management team may add more items as needed. The management review’s recommendations should include taking appropriate action on any chances found to enhance the QMS and reallocating resources within the company as needed.

For What Reason Are Management Reviews Necessary?

Top management must regularly assess what is going on in the QMS to make sure it is meeting the needs of the organization. This evaluation is necessary to make sure that the resources are used effectively and that the company can meet the needs of all stakeholders who have an interest in the way it delivers its goods and services while also working to improve customer satisfaction.

The QMS aims to strengthen the organization and its procedures rather than only satisfy external demands. Consequently, senior management will establish and strategize to accomplish quality targets aimed at enhancing the performance aspects that are crucial to the organization’s triumph and enable it to fulfil its intended strategic course. An essential element in the success of the management review is this assessment of the organization’s capacity to meet quality targets and, consequently, identify areas for improvement for upcoming requirements.

How is a Management Review Carried Out in AS9100?

Although management review meetings are not a mandatory requirement of AS9100, they are a typical way for upper management to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the QMS. For this kind of management review, you would gather all the information required for top management to evaluate, monitor the proceedings, and publish meeting minutes that detail the decisions taken. You can choose whatever format works best for your business for the data review and the minutes, just make sure nothing important is left out. For this reason, a lot of businesses employ a common management review package and record AS 9100 documents to ensure that the QMS is reviewed consistently.

If management meetings aren’t the most convenient way for you to examine the QMS, various approaches can be used to suit your needs. For senior management to decide what, if any, changes to the QMS are necessary, they must examine the key components of the system. You want to make sure that your QMS continuously satisfies your needs because it will require a lot of resources. The instrument for achieving this is the management review.

Select Punyam Academy for AS 9100 Auditor Training

Offering E-learning courses, documentation, presentations, E-books, and KPO services for customer and third-party audits, Punyam Academy Pvt. Ltd. is a recognized training provider. Their areas of expertise are management systems and ISO standards. They provide auditor, lead implementer, awareness, and certification training for Certified Calibration Engineers. The online course on AS 9100 Internal Auditor is designed for those who want to work as AS9100 auditors for Quality Management Systems in aerospace, defence, and aviation companies. It helps both firm workers and AS9100 auditors qualify based on AS9100 rev D standard requirements by covering a variety of QMS audit activities, methodologies, processes, and standards.